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7.11 Jen Hao!
Monday, July 11, 2011

Mommy dearest recently hired herself a cleaning lady to do the chores around the house. I'm fine with it, since I am constantly reminded of how unhelpful I am and how she wishes she had a better daughter around. Hold on a second, I'm going to turn the AC on extra high so that the lady stops sweating. She kind of smells. Like, real bad. No offense to any ladies with BO but you have heard of deodorant right? Yes. Use some. So now we've got two 40 year olds in the house. JKAY. My Mom's 39 and always will be. Apparently. I don't like her though, the cleaning lady that is, not my Mom. She doesn't clean much. Just mops the floor and does the laundry. Doesn't even wash toilets the right way. And she sprays water everywhere. Might I add that I hate walking on wet bathroom floors. It's icky.

Anyway I want to pause a moment and talk about my Mom. She's like, the best person ever. You know how they say "Daddy's Girl?" Well, I'm a Momma's Girl. Which sounds really weird because I've only heard of Momma's Boy. And she treats me like a queen and calls me pretty when I'm really not. :) I love you Mom! (Hopefully she doesn't read this or else she's never going to get off of my neck for being so gushy.)


Today's a special day. It's 7/11! I wonder if 7.11's doing anything special (sales, discount, et cetera) since 7/11 is 7.11. Confused? Yes, me too.


Let's move on... 

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JEN JOO NAI CHA IS BAD FOR YOU AND I MEAN IT. There. I said it. I think I just earned myself 10 nerd points, and added 30% Asian-ness.


I'm bored.


8:40 PM